Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Module 10

Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Software Process Improvement (SPI) Implies that elements of an effective software process can be defined in an effective manner, an existing organizational approach to software development can be assessed against those elements, and a meaningful strategy for improvement can be defined. SPI strategy transforms the existing approach to software development into something that is more focused, more repeatable, and more reliable.
SPI framework is a formal approach to SPI which assesses the “maturity” of an organization’s software process and provides a qualitative indication of a maturity level. It defines a set of characteristics that must be present if an effective software process is to be achieved, a method for assessing whether those characteristics are present, a mechanism for summarizing the results of any assessment, and a strategy for assisting a software organization in implementing those process characteristics that have been found to be weak or missing.
A maturity model is applied within the context of an SPI framework.The intent of the maturity model is to provide an overall indication of the “process maturity” exhibited by a software organization.

SPI Frameworks
  • CMMI - a five-level maturity model developed by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mello University (CMU) and has two respresentations ; continuous and staged models
  • SPICE - an international initiative to support the International Standard ISO/IEC 15504 for (Software) Process Assessment [ISO08]
  • Bootstrap—a SPI framework for small and medium sized organizations that conforms to SPICE [Boo06]
  • PSP and TSP—individual and team specific SPI frameworks ([Hum97], [Hum00]) that focus on process in-the-small, a more rigorous approach to software development coupled with measurement
  • TickIT—an auditing method [Tic05] that assesses an organization compliance to ISO Standard 9001:2000
Regardless of the size of the company, it’s reasonable to consider the business motivation for SPI. It should come as no surprise that small organizations are more informal, apply fewer standard practices, and tend to be self-organizing.

Trends in SE
  • Managing complexity
  • Open world software
  • Emergent requirements
  • Software building blocks
  • Open source
  • Process trends
Software Engineering Ethics

An ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force has produced a Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (Version 5.1). The code [ACM98] states that software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles :
  • Public
  • Client and Employer
  • Product
  • Judgment
  • Management
  • Profession
  • Colleagues
  • Self

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